Midwest Emmys
November 13, 2024
Working the 66th annual Midwest Emmy's
I had the greatest time working with some amazing people at the 66th Annual Midwest Emmy Awards!
Technically I volunteered, but let me tell you it was WORK! I was there for two days helping organize, create and execute an amazing evening! From behind the scenes to upclose and personal with several Emmy winners I was in my element!
I was on my feet for over 15 hrs; and I could have been other places, but I would not trade this experince!
As I prepare to graduate at 40, I feel like I really have no time to waste. I am hitting the ground running and doing what I can to stand out to those that might be able to help me going forward!
I am excited to say I stood out to Rebekah Cowing, who has worked for over "25 years in the local TV community" as qouted from the Emmy awards program. That night she took home the Governors Award and was acknowledged for all the amazing and hard work she has done over the last 2 decades. To me it was an honor to meet her and have her trust to execute the responsibilities she had given me.
As the night went on I was surrounded by names and faces I recognized but none like the face and voice of Anthony Flemming III. I saw him as he was coming down the escalator and from his outfit I was wondering how do I know this person. So I greeted him and, and his voice right away I could sense I knew this person, but could quite place it. So being in the Hip-Hop space I asked if maybe thats why he was familiar. Then he took off his shades and said, "Have you ever seen Power?" That's when it hit me, as he finshed saying he played Tommy's brother on "Force".
I was so excited to meet him, because I am a big fan! I also love the role he plays because it is not the typical role you see in these shows. He not into drug dealing or killing, he's a newly found family man, as he was reunited with his son, his brother and mother. His characters story line has depth and a lot of emotional struggles, but he's just trying to do right by his new title of father, brother and son.
This season will be it's final season and I can't wait to see what happens, as I over heard him talking about how amazing it's going to be.
Before the night was done I had another chance to talk to him, and he expolained he does voice overs at WTTW, to which I exclaimed thats right by my school! I told him how I go to Northeastern Illinois University and host a radio show on WZRD. I was over the moon to be able to make this connection and I'm excited to share he will be coming by to chat with me soon!

The first time I met him, he had shared some of his story and I related so much that I shared some of my story, almost bringing him to tears. His motto is your struggle is your super power, and that you need to use it to speak to your audience.

Listening to them talk about their projects and majors was inspiring and also made tme thinks I need to stay in touch with these folks cause they are going places!
All to say by the end of the day I was exhusated, and had one heck of a day!